Yate 6.11

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Yate 6.11- Тип издания: macOS Software
Релиз состоялся: 01.09.2022
Поддерживаемая ОС: macOS 10.10+
Разработчик: © 2022 Many Robots
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:
• macOS 10.10 или выше
• Intel 64-bit CPU
• Apple M1 chip

Yate - Мощный и удобный редактор ID3-тегов с широким набором полезных функций.
Yate был разработан для людей, которые серьезно относятся к маркировке и организации их аудио файлов. Yate позволит привести в порядок и сделать более красивым ваш сборник музыки с помощью тегов и огромного количества дополнительной информации о песнях.
У Yate есть длинный список особенностей, включая инновационную scripting систему, названную действиями. Приложение также поддерживает интеграцию с Discogs, MusicBrainz, AcoustID и iTunes. Как и iTunes, Yate для Mac может автоматически находить обложки альбомов. Но для этого название альбома должно присутствовать в тегах, анализировать название песни и исполнителя Yate не может. Поиск совершается на сайтах Amazon и Google Картинки. При желании в настройках добавляются другие источники. Но обычно хватает и встроенных, поэтому проблем с внешним видом быть не должно. Yate для Mac OS X можно назвать одним из самых подробных редакторов тегов. Стоит добавить, что он поддерживает формат FLAC, у него есть автоматический поиск обложек и специальных изданий. В нём можно осуществлять массовые изменения и тут же просматривать их в iTunes.
  • Поддержка файлов в формате mp3, m4a, FLAC и AIFF
  • Возможность добавления нескольких значений в одно поле
  • Возможность добавления нескольких полей одного типа
  • Экспорт/импорт метаданных, включая обложки альбомов
  • Автоматическое масштабирование импортированных обложек
  • Добавление обложек простым перетаскиванием
  • Автоматический поиск обложек
  • Перемещение треков в другие папки
  • Просмотр последних изменений и многое другое.

Что нового в версии:

What's New
Version 6.11:
• Release note are available here
This is primarily a getting ready for Ventura release. If you don't normally read the release notes, please read at least the next section this time around.
macOS Support
The standard Yate release is built on the latest macOS version using the latest development environment. Starting with Ventura it will no longer be possible to build applications for 10.10 through 10.12 with this configuration.
In order to maintain support for these older OS versions, users on 10.10 through 10.12 will now require the Yate OM (old Mac) build. Previously this build was only required if the hardware was so old it was missing certain instructions used by required components. The OM build is functionally identical. Activation and Deactivation may require the built in manual processes.
If you are running macOS 10.10 through 10.12 you must update to this release. Once Yate is built on Ventura, the standard release will not run on these versions.
When you update, this release will detect the OS version and will automatically start a second update to the OM version if required. This will only happen once and will not affect subsequent updates.
Older Version Support
Yate imports most of its content from previously exported plist files. When importing the files, the content is re-encoded if necessary. We have moved the lowest supported version many times over the years.
Prior to Yate v6.11 the lowest supported version was 3.1
As of Yate v6.11, the lowest supported version is now v4.0
Exported audio metadata files are not effected by the change.
Removing all Tags
File>Save Selected Files>Completely Remove All Tags does as the name implies. Where possible the entire tagging container will be removed from the audio files. Where not possible, all tags will be cleared. Tags which have been configured to be aotomatically written whenever a file is saved will not be written. The implementation sets the Editing State prior to clearing the tags and saving the files. This means that you can do an Edit>Revert to Editing State and restore the files even after they are saved ... unless you again change the editing state,
Main Window Sorting
There is a new Sort by Folder item on the Sort menu. It sorts by path to folder ascending followed by the default sort.
Preferences Changes
Preferences - Audio - Common
There are now two possible values which can be written when auto setting the File Type field on a file load. Filename Extension is the old behaviour which sets the field to the unmodified filename extension. When Extension or Stream is chosen, MPEG-4, OGG and Opus files will have the field set to the audio stream type (AAC, ALAC, Opus or Vorbis). Other audio types will have the field set to the filename extension in upper case.
Preferences - General - Advanced
Preferences - Audio - Common's Multi Value Delimiter setting has been moved here.
There is a new option to minimize sticky database windows when automatically opening them at startup.
Preferences - Rename
All settings associated with renaming have been moved to this section.
Preferences - General - Basic's Invalid character substitution setting has been moved here.
Preferences - General - Basic's Rename space handling setting has been moved here and renamed to Space handling.
Preferences - Audio - Common's Rename substitution setting has been moved here and renamed to Multi Value delimiter substitution.
The Multi Field Editor
Trim functionality
Additional character sets are now available. A custom list of characters can also be provided.
The effective character set can be inverted to allow easier removal of unwanted characters.
The All non alphabetic characters setting has been removed. Use Alphanumeric, Inverted for the same effect.
Audirvana and APE files
The pre-installed APE mapping now contains additional read only aliases for Disc, Disc Count and Track Count.
When using Audirvana the following mappings should be the write (default) APE mappings:
Disc must be mapped to DISCNUMBER
Disc Count must be mapped to DISCTOTAL
Track Count must be mapped to TRACKTOTAL
These definitions will only be present for new installs of Yate unless you do a Yate>Reset Built in Items>Reset|Import APE Mappings. If you've changed the out of the box APE mappings, you can manually create the mappings.
Doppler Music Player
The Doppler music player is now supported. The extended file attribute which tells the player to update its library can automatically be written.
The support must be enabled via Preferences - Audio - Common - Set Doppler refresh attribute.
If the preference setting is not enabled, the first time you do an Edit Info With>Yate in Doppler, you will be prompted to enable it.
Audio Properties
There is a new property named Xattrs which displays a list of the correctable attributes fixed by the File Maintenance statement which are present.
The Xattrs property can be searched in the main window filter panel.
Debugging Actions
Changes to the Debug statement's configuration are retained during a session. A new session is started whenever an action is run from the UI or the Batch Processor.
The default configuration is only applied when a session is started.
The appearance of the debug configuration panel has been modified.
Action Statement Changes
When editing JSON text in a multi line editor you can now request to view the text in the Container Viewer.
The Add to List statement can now replace one or all existing items if the only if the not already in list option is enabled and case or diacritic insensitive is enabled.
The Copy Files, Create Symbolic Links, Export Metadata, Import Metadata, Import Metadata from Audio File and Move statements all support transformations. The Convert multi value delimiter sequences transformation is now a popup with three values:
No transformation is applied to multi value delimiter sequences.
The Preferences-Audio-Common-Rename Substitution setting controls the transformation.
Named Variable
The named variable Transform Multi Value Delimiter is interpreted the same as the Preferences-Audio-Common-Rename Substitution setting and controls the transformation. This is useful when you want a different transformation for path components and a referenced rename template.
The File Maintenance statement can now also clear the Doppler extended file attribute.
New Prompt statements do not automatically get a Copy button.
All prompt statements which have configurable buttons can now specify that a button should be segmented. A segmented button has a title (with an associated function) and a menu disclosure.
The Prompt for Text statement
The configuration Menu item insertion mode has been renamed Insert/Append from Comma Separated.
When Insert/Append is selected the delimiter is read from named variable Prompt for Text Append Delimiter. If the named variable is not defined or is empty, a comma will be assumed. The named variable is cleared by the Prompt Reset mode.
The Prompt from Container statement
A display only menu can be associated with a row. When valueIsPopup has a value of 1 and value is -2, the popup menu is only presented for informational purposes. The value is not modified when a menu item is selected.
When appending menu items, the popupDelimiter key sets the delimiter to be used. If the key is omitted or empty, a comma will be assumed.
When the panel closes the selected table row is always returned. Previously it was only returned if a single row selection was being forced.
You can configure the panel's checkbox (above the buttons) to exit immediately.
The Save statement has a new setting named Completely remove all tags. Where possible the entire tagging container will be removed from the audio files. Where not possible, all tags will be cleared. Tags which have been configured to be automatically written whenever a file is saved will not be written.
The Save Variables and Restore Variables statements have been redesigned to work with a container as opposed to a named variable. The statements are now far more efficient. There is no longer a need to specify only a single file's track variables should be saved due to the increased efficiency. Variables are now always saved on a per file basic. With Restore Variables you can now specify that you want to restore all variables which were saved, independent of the variable numbers.
The Scanner statement modes to scan from or up to a set of characters now supports the addition of canned character sets. The effective character set can be inverted.
The Trim statement now supports additional character sets. A custom list of characters can also be provided. The effective character set can be inverted to allow easier removal of unwanted characters. The All non alphabetic characters setting has been removed. Existing actions with the setting have automatically been changed to Alphanumeric, Inverted.
Escape Sequences
There is a new escape sequence \sp which inserts a single space character.
Named Variables
Named variable Prompt Menu Item Reference is now used wherever Prompt for Text List Selection was used.
Prompt Menu Item Reference more clearly identifies what is stored.
Prompt for Text List Selection is now treated as an alias of Prompt Menu Item Reference.
Prompt for Text List Selection still works but is replaced at runtime with Prompt Menu Item Reference.
Specifying Yate in a Clear User Defined Items by Source statement is now deprecated. Use a Yate Database IDs statement to clear the Yate Album ID and Yate Track ID tags. This Yate Database IDs statement can remove the tags even if they are defined as custom fields.
Usage of the Prompt for Text List Selection named variable. Use Prompt Menu Item Reference instead.
Bug Fixes
APE tags were not saving Track and Disc counts when merging numbers/counts and padding was off.
The custom field presets for Track Position, Yate Album ID and Yate Track ID had incorrect values for APE mappings. This only affects you if you created the custom fields using the presets. To fix the issue and to ensure that all APE and WV files are read correctly, make the following changes: First re-apply the preset to any of the three mentioned custom fields that you may have implemented. After fixing the custom field definitions edit the APE mappings so that they look like:
Track Position Track Number Text
Yate Album ID Yate Album ID
Yate Track ID Yate Track ID
Yate uses a number representation which is not localized. The decimal separator is always the period. The Version statement was formatting the version string in a localized manner. This caused some version strings to use a comma as the decimal separator which later caused issues.
Expansion tooltips for the Action Manager's Name column were displaying poorly in dark mode.
The Prompt from Container statement:
The validation of items which preferred a row setting over a column setting, were ignoring the column setting for string types.
Expansion tooltips for the Value column were displaying poorly in dark mode, if the cell contained an image.
Expansion tooltips were always appearing justified to the left edge of the table for cells containing an image.
The selectedRow key was documented as being written to the container object. However, it was being written to the columns object. To fix the issue and to not break any existing actions, the key is now being written in both locations. Accessing it from the columns object is deprecated.
Changing the font size in a Debug panel always redisplayed the text using the default configuration, as opposed to the current configuration.
Custom fields with multiple items did not have a Rearrange button when Choose Value was selected. They also were missing the sort menu items on the Yate Transformations menu.

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