Yate 6.19

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Yate 6.19
Год выпуска: 2024
Разработчик: Many Robots
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:
• macOS 10.13 или выше
• Intel 64-bit CPU
• Apple M1 chip

Yate - Мощный и удобный редактор ID3-тегов с широким набором полезных функций.
Yate был разработан для людей, которые серьезно относятся к маркировке и организации их аудио файлов. Yate позволит привести в порядок и сделать более красивым ваш сборник музыки с помощью тегов и огромного количества дополнительной информации о песнях.
У Yate есть длинный список особенностей, включая инновационную scripting систему, названную действиями. Приложение также поддерживает интеграцию с Discogs, MusicBrainz, AcoustID и iTunes. Как и iTunes, Yate для Mac может автоматически находить обложки альбомов. Но для этого название альбома должно присутствовать в тегах, анализировать название песни и исполнителя Yate не может. Поиск совершается на сайтах Amazon и Google Картинки. При желании в настройках добавляются другие источники. Но обычно хватает и встроенных, поэтому проблем с внешним видом быть не должно. Yate для Mac OS X можно назвать одним из самых подробных редакторов тегов. Стоит добавить, что он поддерживает формат FLAC, у него есть автоматический поиск обложек и специальных изданий. В нём можно осуществлять массовые изменения и тут же просматривать их в iTunes.
  • Поддержка файлов в формате mp3, m4a, FLAC и AIFF
  • Возможность добавления нескольких значений в одно поле
  • Возможность добавления нескольких полей одного типа
  • Экспорт/импорт метаданных, включая обложки альбомов
  • Автоматическое масштабирование импортированных обложек
  • Добавление обложек простым перетаскиванием
  • Автоматический поиск обложек
  • Перемещение треков в другие папки
  • Просмотр последних изменений и многое другое.
Более подробно на appstudio.org

Что нового в версии:

What's New
Version 6.19:
• Release note are available here
Settings vs. Preferences - Oh My!
When macOS Ventura was released, Apple automatically renamed the application Preferences menu item to Settings. As most of our user's are current on macOS, we've decided to bite the bullet and make the few UI changes and thousands of help changes to use settings.
If you're on a version of macOS which predates Ventura, you will notice that the Yate>Preferences menu item will now be named Settings.
Almost all references to Preferences will become Settings for all users.
This is a summary of the UI changes:
Preference Lists are now called Application Lists which actually makes more sense as it differentiates the lists from text lists created in actions.
Preference Sets are now called Application Sets.
The Indirect Preference List named variable is now named Indirect Application List. Named variable Indirect Preference List usage will still work as it is redirected at runtime.
The Preference Management action statement has been renamed to Application Settings Management.
The Fill Lists action statement has been renamed to Fill Application Lists.
The Preference List Item Functions statement has been renamed Application List Functions.
The Modify Preference Settings statement has been renamed to Modify Application Settings.
The Preferences category in action editor windows has been renamed Settings.
etc., etc., etc.
Multi Field Editor
The Multi Field Editor has a new set of functions grouped under Credits.
These functions only operate on the Involved People or Musician credits fields. The source field is specified in the panel. The list of fields is ignored and is disabled.
The functions operate on all selected files even if the fields have different values.
The following functions are provided: Remove credits; Remove people; Remove credits for people; Add credits; Combine credits; Rename Credit and Rename Person.
As the functions will often to be used to modify files which have mixed values, a preview button is available which displays the current values for Involved People and Musician Credits in the Log Viewer. The preview is persistent and will automatically update. For additional information do a Help>Search Yate Help and search for Involved People/Musician Credits Preview.
When the Multi Field Editor is launched from the Involved People or Musician Credits function button, the Credits function is automatically selected and the source field is automatically set.
There is a new 🌐 button at the bottom left of the window. Clicking on the button will run the Action Updater. Actions targeted to the Multi Field Editor will always be listed (even if installed). This is a quick means of checking for new Multi Field Editor specific actions.
There are new Multi Field Editor actions available which extend the Copy functionality to UDTIs and named Comments.
Main Window Function Buttons
The same preview functionality as in the Multi Field Editor is also available from a Preview item on the function button menu for Involved People and Musician Credits.
Metadata Archives
The Yate Export and Import functionality works on individual files. The new Metadata Archive functionality works with archive files (.yatearchive filename extension). The functionality is implemented via actions.
If you open a .yatearchive file in the Finder, Yate will display the contents of the archive in a database viewer.
The actions are invoked by UI based menu items on the File menu on an Import/Export submenu. The supplied actions can also be accessed via other actions and the batch processor.
Functionality which requires the actions will prompt for their installation. The Help menu also has a new item which will install and/or update the actions.
Additional information can be found by doing a Help>Search Yate Help and searching for Metadata Archives.
The Settings - Database - Appearance panel has a new control to set a default font size to be used.
The Settings - Database - General panel has a new control to repair .tsv files, incorrectly modified by Excel, when opened. Depending on the content of a cell, Excel may enclose it in double quote characters and escape double quote characters as if they were in a CSV file.
The Settings - File List - UD text column mappings panel has been renamed UD column mappings. These columns can now be mapped to UDTIs or named main window filters.
Settings - MusicBrainz - General - Append secondary types when importing Release Type will be initially enabled on new installs.
File to Tag Templates
You may have filenames which specify a disc-track sequence as ddtt or dtt where dd or d is a disc number and tt is a track number. The token named ❨{Disc}Track❩ can handle this sequence. If exactly three or four decimal digits are present, the extraction will be split directed to the Disc and Track fields. If not, ❨{Disc}Track❩ is treated as ❨Track❩ .
Calculated Main Window Columns
All Yate main window columns represent values in a track at the time the column is displayed. It is now possible to configure a column to represent true or false based on a calculated value.
The Settings - File List - UD column mappings panel now allows you to map one of three columns to a named main window filter. The filters are defined and saved in the main window's filter panel (Edit>Find).
When mapped to a filter, the filter is run whenever a value is required to display. The column will display ✓ if the filter matches or empty if it does not.
One example would be constructing a filter to test if the Lyrics field is non empty. If the filter is named Has Lyrics, the column will have the same name and will display the appropriate values.
Search Yate Help
You can now create bookmarks to topics on the search panel.
The Discogs Wizard
Previously only tracks which were part of an index set could be split into separate tracks for importing.
Any track can now be split by editing the title using {space} - {space} as a marker for split locations.
The MusicBrainz Wizard
The MusicBrainz Release Type could be configured to contain all secondary release types. This release allows you to automatically extract two types to tags.
There is now an import setting for Live. It will be imported to a normalized UDTI named Live or a custom field of the same name if it exists.
There is now an import setting for Single. It will be imported to a normalized UDTI named Single or a custom field of the same name if it exists.
The Custom Panel Editor
When dragging panel items, the cursor will change when the Shift key is pressed to change the insertion from top-left to bottom-left.
When dragging panel items, the cursor will change to reflect an invalid drop.
Edit Panel Preset Buttons
When dragging a preset button, the cursor will change to reflect an invalid drop.
The Action Manager
Every action editor window displays an icon on the window's header to the left of the action name. Right clicking on the icon will display a menu containing each path element in the Action Manager to the displayed action. Clicking on a menu item will open the Action Manager and will position to the clicked component.
The Action manager's table column header now has a context menu to autosize the columns.
Regardless as to how you resize the columns, the name column will occupy all space in the window unused by columns.
Mac Security & Privacy Accessibility setting
Yate needs accessibility privileges in order to perform various tasks.
The application will now prompt you when it starts if for any reason, it does not have accessibility privileges.
Databases and Restricting Actions
The db+ and db- keys can be specified in an Action Runtime Setting set to restrict the usage of the associated action in database files.
You can now also specify a setting named track only. When set to 1 or true the action will only be accessible in track databases.
Player Interfaces
If you are use the File>Open File Playing In interfaces, the bundle on the resources web page in the templates section was updated on 2024-02-23. Changes were made to the VLC interface.
Player Interface Files (.yatepi) can now be installed from the File>Open File Playing In menu; via File>Open; by opening in the Finder or by dragging the files to the main window's file list area.
Action Statement Changes
The Access Discogs and Access MusicBrainz statements can specify the name of an import set at runtime.
The Artwork to Folder statement can now specify the delimiter to be used when appending items to the filename.
The Copy/Delete/Move Non Audio File statements support inclusion and exclusion lists. In previous versions, elements in the lists had leading and trailing spaces trimmed. ie. only contained spaces were significant. This was somewhat limiting. All new statements of these types now preserve all spaces. Statements produced by earlier versions are not modified and act as they did prior to this update. The statements are identified by a ,trim lists suffix in their description. There is also an Update button to update the statements if you wish. Note that if a list item is visually empty, it will not be processed.
While all Extract IDs from Prompt Container statement modes, establish set row references (see Prompt from Container below), there is a new mode which only establishes the references.
The File Path Manipulation statement's Resolve Path function now resolves aliases as well as symbolic links.
The Get Artwork from Cover Art Archive and Get Artwork from Discogs statements now set named variable Action Error Text. They both also will now suppress the display of error messages if named variable Suppress Error Display is true.
The Get Info statement's Application Settings mode can now return the value of the Abbreviate Path setting.
The Get Info and Modify Application Settings statements can now return and modify the values of Discogs and MusicBrainz Artwork-Import All Artwork settings.
The Involved People/Musician Credits Functions statement can now rename credits and people and can specify a post function sort to be performed.
The List Manipulate statement's Identify Duplicate function has new Ignore filename extensions and Ignore paths options.
The List Manipulate statement's Intersection function has a new Fuzzy option.
The List Numeric Functions statement has a new Unicode String function. The function builds a string from the numeric values in the list.
The List to CSV statement can now operate on track variables.
The Map Metadata to Files statement now has a method to match for an explicit filename as well as metadata. The statement can now also use Album metadata when mapping with constructed metadata.
The Open Database statement:
can open a database as readonly.
can open a database as transient. A transient database has its associated files deleted as soon as opened. The database is automatically readonly. See the documentation for additional information.
can now supply alternate text for the database viewer's help button.
The Open Database Information and Is Database Open statements have been updated to return information on readonly and transient databases.
All Prompt category statements which have four configurable buttons now support escape sequences in the button names. If a button name contains an escape sequence and it resolves to be visually empty, the button is not displayed.
Previously the Prompt statement had an ignore when batched option. You can now specify Always, Only if Interactive, Only if Batched and Only if Batched & Verbose.
The Prompt statement's DB Status mode is persistent in databases opened as transient. ie. even after the action terminates.
The Prompt from Container statement:
There a new key named clearStateIfDisabled. If true, whenever a state checkbox is disabled, state will be set to 0.
There are new keys named rowReference and rowFixedReference. The keys' data is treated as a name of a named variable. The named variable will be set to the directed path to the row. rowReference moves when a row is dragged. rowFixedReference does not move when a row is dragged. The named variables are set whenever a Prompt from Container or Extract IDs from Prompt Container statement starts executing.
The promptValues key can optionally be a string. The string is treated as the name of a named variable who's content is treated as a list of strings. The list is delimitd by the default list delimiter (\~). The promptValues item will be converted to an array in the container.
The Read Text File and Write Text File statement's help has a link to a new topic on binary file processing.
The Search MusicBrainz statement now returns keys for Live and Single.
The Set Indirect statement is now list aware. You can specify more than one destination field by separating the field names by the Default List Delimiter (\~), newline characters (\n) or commas.
The Supported Fields statement has additional presets.
The Substring statement has a new Integer Value of Unicode Character which returns the integer value of a character at the specified index.
Escape sequences can be specified in the Test Run Context note field.
Resource Actions
Head on over to the Yate resources page to see new and modified actions.
Bug Fixes
Settings - Export Sets under certain circumstances was not retaining column attributes. Further, the change detection was not perfect.
It was possible to drag the icon on an action editor's window header. If you did so, an error would be displayed.
The Debug statement was not always displaying unique values for fields in the Content for all Tracks section.
The Debug statement's active files display was incorrect when files were in different folders.
The Contents of Folder statement was not clearing the destination named variable on an error. The action test state was set correctly.
The Prompt statement's DB Status mode only worked on grabbed databases.
Main window and database filters when testing for boolean true did only worked with numeric values. ie. a string of true did not match as true.
The main window Preview toolbar button was only enabled when one file was selected.
The text markup link form ?? was only working if an action was running.
The Access Discogs statement was using the MusicBrainz setting for import all as opposed to the Discogs setting when determining how many artwork items to preload. This may have caused extraneous images to be downloaded (but not imported) when not necessary.
The Modify Application Settings statement was not escaping a named variable inserted to the value field from a context menu.
If a row in a Prompt from Container rows list was not an object, a crash could occur. By the documentation a row which is not an object is a separator row.
If you created a database file with preserve plist; and the plist had the correct columns but a different encoding; the plist file would not have the new encoding. Any changes to the export set or database creation settings will now cause the preserve plist setting to fail.
The log produced by Actions>Apply Track Metadata Changes was not line terminating some of the possible error messages.
The main window File Representation function's display was not displaying the underlying atom for MPEG-4 items where relevant.
The Extract IDs from Prompt Container statement's Set Container modes was clearing named variables after performing the function.
The custom background colour for newly created databases was not being exported.

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