Todorov M. - Modern Concurrency in Swift (1st Edition) [2021, PDF/EPUB, ENG]

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Modern Concurrency in Swift (1st Edition)
Год издания: 2021
Автор: Marin Todorov
Издательство: Razeware LLC
ISBN: 978-1950325535
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF/EPUB
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Количество страниц: 263
Описание: Learn everything you need to create safe, performant and predictable asynchronous apps by leveraging the new modern concurrency features introduced in Swift 5.5, such as async/await, tasks, actors and more.-Master Swift’s new concurrency model!
For years, writing powerful and safe concurrent apps with Swift could easily turn into a daunting task, full of race conditions and unexplained crashes hidden in a massive nesting of callback closures.
In Swift 5.5, Apple introduced a new concurrency model featuring the async/await syntax, to let you write asynchronous code that reads like synchronous code. But like any new feature, here be dragons! So how will you achieve the much-desired mastery of Modern Swift Concurrency?
Modern Concurrency in Swift is here for the rescue, showcasing everything you need to know about async/await, tasks, actors, and everything in between!


Modern Concurrency in Swift
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Section I: Modern Concurrency in Swift
Chapter 1: Why Modern Swift Concurrency?
Chapter 2: Getting Started With async/await
Chapter 3: AsyncSequence & Intermediate Task
Chapter 4: Custom Asynchronous Sequences With AsyncStream
Chapter 5: Intermediate async/await & CheckedContinuation
Chapter 6: Testing Asynchronous Code
Chapter 7: Concurrent Code With TaskGroup
Chapter 8: Getting Started With Actors
Chapter 9: Global Actors
Chapter 10: Actors in a Distributed System

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